Thursday, December 18, 2008

Christmas is coming!

Dear Jacob-
Christmas is coming. I remember, when you were still developing inside of me, thinking about this Christmas. I knew you would be about two months old and I wondered what you would be like. You are such a sweet and perfect angel. We gave you your Christmas present early--a baby swing. It is one sophisticated toy. It rocks back and forth or side to side. It plays fun music, peaceful music, soothing sounds like a heartbeat or whales, or hooks to my ipod for whatever music we choose! You seem to enjoy the swing, not as much as you love being held by me or daddy though. I am glad, because I love to be close to you. I can't get enough of you baby!

I took you to your eight week check-up on Tuesday. You weighed 13 lbs. 14 oz. and were 26 inches long. WOW!! You have grown and changed so much. You used to just lay in a ball, and sleep all day long. Now, you get excited about things and kick your legs and flail your arms. You smile at me all the time. You are getting so round. Your legs have 4 rolls and you have 3 chins! There are little creases all the way up your soft arm. I didn't know it was possible for me to love you even more than I did yesterday, but I do. Every day it grows as we become more familiar with each other.

Everett loves you so much. He loves to hold you and make your limbs do stuff. He grabs your little foot and makes you kick your leg. He thinks it's very funny. He is concerned about your welfare and lets me know if you are ever sad. Right now, he is telling me, "My pajamas don't fit baby Jacob." He is full of these insights. Charity is your second mommy. She loves to hold you and talk to you. She kisses you all the time. You like saying "hi" to her. I don't think you understand what it means yet, but you are great at mimicking the sound. Charity lets me know when she thinks you are tired or hungry or just want your mommy. She gets diapers or a pacifier or burp cloth for you when I need them. She is such a good helper!

You are so loved and always will be.

Love, Mommy

1 comment:

Steph said...

I'm so glad you got the swing you wanted! I am even more happy that Jacob is in our family! He already has such a personality. He does have 3 chins and its super cute! We love you baby Jacob!