Monday, December 8, 2008

November 3rd, 2008

Dear Jacob-
You will be 13 days old at 1:40 p.m. today. You have grown sweeter and more precious to me with every passing moment. You have begun to make eye contact for extended periods of time. You really like looking at Mommy's hair, the family room fan, and the wrought iron pieces hanging above our bed. Your eyes are a deep, dark and beautiful blue. I'm sure they will change in some ways but I'm sure they will continue to be beautiful! You look like a blond boy version of me. That is a new experience for me as your siblings look so much like Daddy. I stare at you and wonder how in the world you started from such a tiny egg and grew to be such a big boy! How did you fit inside of me?? Sometimes, when you are really curled up tight, I can picture it, but most of the time it just blows my mind! You smile often but only in your sleep. I am not going to attempt to put my feelings for you into words because I know they will be inadequate. I love you deeply.

Love, Mommy

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