Monday, December 8, 2008

Day Dreaming

Dear Jacob-
Today I was day dreaming. I dreamed of us, on a deserted island. We sat on the warm sand. You smiled and cooed as the waves rolled in. The noise was beautiful: the noise you made mingled with the sound of the gentle waves. Daddy was there too. He wrapped us in his long arms and kissed you on your perfect head. Charity flitted about like a fairy. She interrupted her play every few minutes to come over and talk softly to you. Everett said cute things that made me laugh as he searched for seashells, finding one just for you. He brought it to us, mimicking the way sister had spoken and touching your creamy white arm.

Every time I look into your true-blue eyes I am there. Back on the island, back at the beach. Just loving you. Just being a family. Bound to one another by invisible but invincible bonds. That's what you do.

Love, Mommy


Grammy Cindy said...

What a great idea. I think I should start doing this. Thanks for the idea.

Amanda said...

I thought about writing to my mom too and I think that could be really cool. Maybe you could try writing to Doug.

Camilla Marie Dinkins said...

This is so sweet and cute, Manda. You are such a good mom for doing things like this for your kids. You will treasure it forever. I wish I gave this blog the award, it is Fabulous!