Thursday, November 5, 2009

One Really Great Year

Dear Jacob-
Acquiring such a great volume of new skills in only one year seems impossible. But not for such an inquisitive, enthusiastic, eager little man as yourself. Here is a list of things that amaze me:
  • You have gone from hardly moving and sleeping almost all day long, to moving non-stop unless you are asleep (which only lasts a couple of hours a day).
  • You have grown immensely. You fit into the clothes that fit most 2-3 year old kids.
  • You love giving "five" and include a sound effect each time your hand hits mine.
  • You have been able to communicate very effectively for quite a while but your vocabulary has increased dramatically. You say: mama, dada, milk, hot, kiss, sister, brubru (brother), no, don't (with your tiny pointer finger extended), ear, eye, nose, tongue, teeth, love you, hi, bubye, and plenty of other words.
  • You have learned to roll over, sit, crawl, stand, walk, dance, and now you LOVE to CLIMB!! You attempt a bath in the sink at least 10 times a day. You grab onto the toilet seat, climb up, then climb to the counter from there, get right in the sink, turn the faucet so it's over the counter, turn on the water, and flood the bathroom! No matter how many times mommy tells you "no," you persist. You climb on the speaker in the family room, the kitchen chairs and table, and even my night stand. You climb all the way up the twisty slide at the red slide park, then laugh as you slide back down on your belly.
  • You have, at last, learned not to play in the toilet. Yay!
  • You have become so independent, waking up from your nap, climbing off the bed, opening the door, and running out to the family room to play with your brother and sister.
  • Your smile and laugh are contagious. You are an absolute doll.
  • You love to do everything your older brother and sister do. You practice brushing your teeth, "reading" books, and sweeping. You even jump on the trampoline!
  • You were born a percussionist and you have never stopped drumming. Everything you touch is a drum.
  • You seem to really enjoy food, when you are in the mood for it. Though you always prefer your first love, breast milk!
  • You are great with using your hands to take apart small things, remove lids, or put them back on.
  • You have a wonderful sense of humor and love to laugh.
  • You are a busy man who loves to GO GO GO!
If I wanted to include everything you've learned, all of your likes and dislikes, and all the ways you've changed, I would spend another year typing this letter and miss out on the second year of your life! You are amazing, wonderful, beautiful, loving, fun, adorable, unstoppable, my whole heart and soul and my world! I love you and I can't wait to see what the next year brings!

Love, Mommy


Steph said...

so beautiful! Jacob is so amazing. I can't believe how much he climbs!! We love you too beans!

Whitney said...

This is so cool! Jacob will love reading such detailed writings of what he has learned. I love this little man!

Grammy Cindy said...

Jacob is such a doll. I love him tons!